Health and Counseling Services
Juilliard Health Services is located on the 22nd floor of the Meredith Willson Residence Hall. Health Services provides medical treatment and preventative care, as well as providing physical therapy, occupational therapy, chiropractic care and nutrition services to aid students in performing at their best. Counseling Services provides psychotherapy to support students in meeting their emotional, psychological, and mental health needs.
Student Health Services
Medical services are conducted on-site at Health Services on the 22nd floor of the Meredith Willson Residence Hall. The clinic provides free urgent care, sick visits, well-patient visits, and sexual health visits. Health Services offers free flu shots in the fall, H.I.V. and S.T.I. (Sexually Transmitted Infections) testing and immunizations.
The clinic is staffed by two physician assistants, a certified medical assistant, a consulting physiatrist (who specializes in performing arts medicine), two physical therapists, one consulting occupational therapist and three consulting nutritionists. Our medical director is an internist who sees patients at the clinic and is available for consultation 24 hours a day.
Diagnostics tests done at Health Services are sent to an outside lab. The outside lab will send invoices to students and/or their insurance companies for payment.
Students are also referred to off-site specialists from an established a network of excellent practitioners representing many medical specialties when deemed necessary.
Juilliard Health Services is currently offering remote and in-person medical appointments.
(212) 799-5000 ext. 282
Regular Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9am-5pm; Wednesday 9-8pm; some Saturdays 10am-2pm
Scheduling an Appointment
- Online: Most appointments may be scheduled online in Medicat which is in OKTA*
- Email:
- Phone: 212-799-5000 ext. 282*
*If you need an appointment for Dr. Manejias (musculoskeletal/injuries) or a reason that is not listed in Medicat please email or call the office for the appointment at or 212-799-5000 ext. 282. The voicemail and email are monitored Monday–Friday 9 am–5pm.
Christie Hunnicutt, PhD, LCSW Senior Director, Health and Counseling Services
Howard Rosenberg, MD, Medical Director
Beth Techow, Administrative Director
Matthew Allman, PA, Physician Assistant
Wendy Bamman, PA Physician Assistant
Kathleen Roman, CMA, Medical Assistant
Eva Monteiro-Lawton, Administrative Assistant
Robert Marx, MD, Consulting Orthopedist
Absences Due to Illness or Injury (All Divisions)
Juilliard Health Services does NOT provide excuse notes for routine illnesses or injuries that may lead to missed classes, rehearsals, or performances. Students who need to miss class due to illness/injury should notify their teachers and department offices that they are ill or injured and unable to attend prior to the absence. Students should refer to class syllabi and/or department handbook for absence policies. It is the purview of the faculty to determine when or if a student will be excused from class or a performance.
Health Services will only issue a note stating that a student has sought treatment for an illness. To protect patient privacy, these notes do not provide information about diagnosis or ability to attend class, and do not act as an excuse from class.
Cases of chronic illness or injury that result in multiple absences from class, juries, orchestra rehearsals or performances will be dealt with on an individual basis. Students should consult their department handbook.
Students with conditions that qualify as a disability should file all required documents with the Office of the Academic Support and Disability Services to receive reasonable accommodation.
Counseling Services
Regular Hours
Appointments are available in-person and remotely during the day and evenings. Walk-in appointments are available in-person on Wednesdays and Fridays 12-1pm in Room 2204A.
(212) 769-3918
Scheduling an Appointment
Call the confidential Counseling Services voicemail at (212) 769-3918.
The mission of Juilliard Counseling Services is to provide free psychotherapy to support students in meeting their emotional, psychological, and mental health needs. Counseling Services advance the academic and performance missions of Juilliard by facilitating personal development, self-awareness, problem solving, and communication. Counseling Ser¬vices carries out its mission through counseling, psychotherapy, consulta¬tion, and outreach programming.
Juilliard Counseling Services has a clinical director and thirteen psychotherapists who are available to students onsite at various hours weekly during the academic year. It also includes a staff psychiatrist who works with students requiring medication.
Students may call to schedule an appointment or speak with a therapist by leaving a message on the confidential answering machine at (212) 769-3918.
William Buse, PhD, LCSW, Counseling Director
Kirk Brewster, LCSW, Associate Director
David Sherman, MD, Psychiatrist
Liz Beron, PsyD
Janis Brodie, LCSW
Mary Dove, LCSW
Marilynn Elias, LCSW
Sasha Hare, LCSW
Seshie Hargett, LCSW
Laurence Hegarty, LCSW
Amanda Jurist, LCSW
Julie Kupfer, PsyD
Chuck Munn, LCSW
Liz Schewe, PhD
Jing Yan, LCSW
Performing Arts Medicine: Physiatry/Sports Medicine, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Chiropractic Care
Regular Hours
Physical Therapy Monday–Saturday various hours
Occupational Therapy Mondays 1–4pm and Wednesdays 4–7pm
Chiropractic Thursdays 2:40–8pm
Physiatry/Dr. Manejias Wednesday mornings
Scheduling an Appointment
For PT, OT and Chiropractic appointments
Online: in Medicat which is in OKTA
Call: 212-799-5000 ext. 282
For Physiatry/Dr. Manejias, please email or call for appointments.
Physical Therapy
The physical therapy service at Juilliard is unique in that students from all of the performing-arts disciplines —music, dance, drama, and voice—are treated in one setting. Free physical therapy is available to all students and appointments are scheduled every 30 minutes. Students in all disciplines are encouraged to seek guidance and take preventative measures by scheduling a physical therapy appointment before an injury becomes debilitating. The large physical therapy suite (located on the 22nd floor of the Meredith Willson Residence Hall Room 2204B) is equipped with modalities such as ultrasound, electro-stimulation and paraffin, Pilates machine, and an array of exercise apparatus.
All physical therapists have extensive experience and training in the treatment of performing artists. The therapist evaluates the student's injury and technique to develop an individualized treatment program. Treatment focuses on manual therapy, alignment, and therapeutic exercise to improve muscle balance and movement strategies. The goal is to educate the student in self-care for healthful performance. The physical therapist will refer some students (depending on their injury) for consultation with the on-site consulting physiatrist who sees patients in the Health Services clinic on Wednesdays.
Occupational Therapy
The occupational therapist (O.T.) also cares for students from all disciplines and sees acute injuries or ongoing problems in upper extremities (shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand). Appointments for occupational therapy are scheduled every 30 minutes.
Upper extremity therapy is carried out primarily by the occupational therapist who treats the current injury, then works to regain previous conditioning, and to avoid recurrence. Each student receives individual care to meet the unique challenges of their schedule of practicing and performance. The occupational therapist will refer some students (depending on their injury) for consultation with the on-site physiatrist who sees patients in the Health Services clinic on Wednesdays.
The O.T. sees all types of hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder injuries. The first evaluation includes tests and measurements to determine a unique treatment plan with immediate and long term goals. Treatment may include modalities, joint and soft tissue mobilization, splinting, active exercises, strengthening and conditioning. To effect the most useful treatment the O.T. also works with the student in their performing medium. The primary goal for treatment is a full and successful return to performance.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic Care for the performing artist – music, dance, drama and voice – is an outgrowth of sports medicine, yet distinctive for the specialized needs of the performing artist. Specializing in conservative care of the neck and back, it incorporates spinal alignment, soft tissue imbalances, posture and decreasing stressors placed on the human frame.
Chiropractic performing arts care deals not only with the elimination of pain and stress on the muscular skeletal system but also creating the best conditions for optimal performance. Chiropractic care at Juilliard achieves this through close collaboration with physical therapy and a team approach to care.
Elizabeth Manejias, MD Consulting Physiatrist/Sports Medicine Specialist
Katy Keller, MS PT, Clinical Director of Physical Therapy & Therapist
Carol Holyoke, MS PT, Physical Therapist
Johann Howard, DPT, Physical Therapist
Mark Hall, PT, MPT, CSCS, Physical Therapist
Aviva Wolff, EdD, OT, CHT, Occupational Therapist
Rachel Skolnick, DC, Consulting Chiropractor
Nutrition Services
Regular Hours
In-person appointments are available Wednesday mornings and Saturdays.
Scheduling an Appointment
Every Juilliard artist can take advantage of meeting with a performance nutritionist on site at the School. One-on-one sessions are designed to meet the personal needs of each performer, and they are welcome to come in with a single question in mind or ask for a more thorough nutrition evaluation. From simple action steps to a complete diet overhaul, our qualified nutritionists are here to help students achieve their personal and performance goals, such as:
- Performance Nutrition —
- Nutrient timing: learn what foods to eat and drink before, during, and after performing to maximize energy, support recovery, and resiliency
- Hydration: how much, when, and what to drink to prevent dehydration
- Various nutrients: learn which are needed to support the body’s needs including bone health, tissue repair and immune function.
- Supplements: review if students are taking any and inquire if they even need any
- The Performers Plate: personalize how much carbohydrate, protein, and fat is needed to perform their best, keep moods even, and allow them to concentrate on choreography, lines, and scores.
- Injury healing: if students are injured, they can learn how to maximize recovery nutrition
- Juilliard Performance Nutritionists help design meal and snack ideas that work within busy class, rehearsal, and performance schedules, whether students are eating from the cafeteria or preparing food at home.
General Nutrition — education and counseling on general nutrition topics, including essential nutrients, meal structure, timing, eating on a budget, vitamin/supplement questions, etc.
Medical Nutrition Therapy — offered to those with more challenging health conditions including GI distress, allergies/sensitivities, diabetes/pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, cholesterol, high or low blood sugar, menstrual irregularities, PMS, sleep issues, joint pain, disordered eating, mental health issues such as substance use and eating disorders.
Juilliard Nutritionists are happy to coordinate care with other healthcare providers and often work as part of a healthcare team to help students reach their performance and health goals.
Eating Disorder and Disordered Eating Services
Juilliard Health and Counseling Services have several practitioners who specialize in helping those struggling with restriction, binging, and the gamut in between. We offer counseling, medical, and nutrition services for students with disordered eating and eating disorders, and support for those who are in recovery from an eating disorder. Medical, counseling, and nutrition providers work together as a team to provide coordinated care. All of our services are confidential and individualized for the needs of each student. Referrals to higher levels of care can be given as needed. Students may access counseling appointments by calling (212) 769-3918 and medical and nutrition appointments by calling (212) 799-5000 ext. 282.
Heidi Skolnik, MS, CDN, FACSM, Consulting Nutritionist; Oversees Juilliard Performance Nutrition
Caroline Feenstra, MS, RD, LD, CSSD, Consulting Nutritionist
Tiffany Ma, RDN, CSSD, Consulting Nutritionist
Emergency Procedures
Medical Emergencies
The Health Services clinic is not equipped to handle serious medical emergencies.
If a student is in need of an ambulance in the school building or if there is a medical emergency at any time in the school building: students should call 911 immediately and then call the Security Desk at ext. 246 or 247. (If security is called first, they will call 911) When 911 is called, a dispatcher will ask for the company name andaddress to which the ambulance should respond (which is 155 W. 65th Street), the patient's exact location (floor number and specific area), the general nature of the medical emergency, the caller's name and the callback telephone number. It is important for the 911 dispatcher to be told the general nature of the patient's illness or whether the patient has been injured (from a fall, in an assault, etc.), so that the paramedics can immediately bring the appropriate equipment and medical supplies from the ambulance to the patient as soon as they arrive on the scene.
If a student is in need of an ambulance in the residence hall:
If the emergency occurs in the residence hall, please note the Security number is (212) 769-7442. The address to which the ambulance should respond is 165 W. 65th Street.
If a student is not taking an ambulance:
The hospital emergency room closest to the School is at Mount Sinai West Hospital, 10th Avenue at 59th Street.
Please also note:
If the emergency is during business hours (Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm) and the injured/ill person is a Juilliard student, Health Services should be notified at ext. 282. After business hours and on weekends, Security will notify the appropriate staff members.
If the student lives in the residence hall, Residence Life should be notified at (212) 799-5000, ext. 7400, or after hours residential hall security at ext. 7442.
When students return from the hospital they should come to Health Services during business hours as soon as possible for medical follow-up and insurance claim assistance.
Psychological Emergencies
If a student needs an ambulance please follow instructions regarding contacting 911 above.
If a student is not taking an ambulance:
Students experiencing emergencies that are psychological in nature are advised to consider seeking emergency care at the Payne Whitney Clinic, part of the N.Y.-Presbyterian Hospital, 525 E. 68th Street. The Payne Whitney Clinic has worked closely with The Juilliard School in providing excellent mental health care to students requiring hospitalization.
Please also note:
When possible or practical, students should leave a message for Counseling Services at (212) 769-3918 that they are going to the hospital. If students live in the residence hall, they should also notify Residence Life at (212) 799-5000, ext. 7400, or after hours, residential hall Security at ext. 7442. When students return from the hospital they should leave a message for Counseling Services at (212) 769-3918.
Sexual Misconduct
In accordance with Juilliard’s Sexual Misconduct Policy and federal, state, and local laws, Juilliard takes action to stop sexual misconduct, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects. Examples of sexual misconduct include, but are not limited to, sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, and intimate partner violence. Retaliation is also strictly prohibited under the School’s Policy.
Appendix A of Juilliard’s Sexual Misconduct Policy and the Non-Discrimination and Title IX website contains a robust list of campus and community resources. These resources include descriptions of support services, contact information, and indicates which resources and services are confidential. A large number of these services are free of cost.
For more information about the Sexual Misconduct Policy, rights, reporting to the School and law enforcement, and resources, please visit Juilliard’s Non-Discrimination and Title IX website.
Please note the importance of medical care in an Emergency Room after a sexual assault:
In addition to treating physical injuries, providing prophylactic treatments, and testing for STIs, HIV, and pregnancy, medical providers in an Emergency Room can collect and preserve DNA evidence as part of a sexual assault examination for potential use in a criminal prosecution. The decision to report the crime is entirely up to the individual. By preserving DNA evidence, the individual can decide at a later time if they would like to pursue criminal charges. DNA evidence generally needs to be collected within 72 hours, and it is helpful to have it collected as soon as possible.
Health Education Resources
There are many websites that have valuable and straightforward information about sexual health, mental health (including depression, anxiety, and how to get help), diseases, nutrition, physical health, substance abuse, and current treatments. Below are links to sites and phone numbers that students might find helpful. None of these sites is in any way affiliated with The Juilliard School, nor does the School endorse any information they contain.
Suicide Hotlines
- Samaritans of New York Suicide Hotline (212) 673-3000
- LifeNet 1-800-LIFENET, multilingual
- NYC Well call 1-800-NYC-WELL or text WELL to 65173, or chat; multilingual
- Suicide and Crisis Hotline call or text 988 Crisis Text Line text 741741 from anywhere in the US to text with a trained Crisis Counselor.
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention This is a sophisticated organization that has good information on prevention, depression, how to help someone who is suicidal, and how to get help.
- Befrienders Worldwide Information for anyone feeling low, depressed or suicidal, or worried about a friend or relative; general information about issues relating to suicide. Access to the world's most comprehensive directory of suicide and crisis help lines.
- Break the Cycle Empowering youth to end domestic violence.
- Go Ask Alice This is Columbia University's popular health questions and answer site. You will find an extremely wide range of topics covered, including some that you might not expect!
- Mental Health is HealthProgram to initiate a public dialogue to raise awareness about the prevalence of mental health issues and connect students to the proper resources to get help.
- Love is Louder Online support for anyone feeling mistreated, misunderstood or alone.
- Love Is Respect Building more healthy relationships and saving more lives.
- connects Veterans, their family members and friends, and other advocates with mental health information, local resources, and inspiring stories of recovery.
- Male Survivor Overcoming sexual victimization of boys and men.
- Mental Health America Screening Tools Online screening for depression, anxiety, alcohol and substance abuse, eating disorders, etc.
- That's Not Cool Provides tools to help you draw your digital line about what is, or is not, O.K. in your relationships.
- ULifeline Online resource for college mental health.
- Medline Plus Information on many health conditions from a reliable source, the National Institute of Health.
- New York City Dept. of Health This website has good information about healthy living, specific medical conditions and mental health resources. It is also a good website for quitting smoking.
- Dance Magazine
- Go Ask Alice This is Columbia University's popular health questions and answer site. You will find an extremely wide range of topics covered, including some that you might not expect!
- International Association for Dance Medicine & Science
- Journal for Dance Research
- GMHC GMHC's website offers information on HIV/AIDS prevention, care and advocacy.
Eating Disorder Resources
- National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA)
- NEDA's free and confidential screening for Eating Disorders
- Eating Disorder Hope (a list of resources)
- The International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals
- Gurze-Salucore Books and resources
- Healthy Body Image, US Olympic Committee
- National Alliance for Eating Disorders
Health and Counseling Services Confidentiality
Health Services Confidentiality
Health Services observes strict rules of confidentiality and is in compliance with federal and state privacy rules which govern personal health information. Patient charts are securely maintained, and no patient health information is released to third parties without a signed authorization, or as otherwise required or allowed by law. Clinic personnel have been trained in the practice of handling confidential medical information.
Counseling Services Confidentiality
Juilliard Counseling Services maintains the highest standards of confidentiality of all psychotherapy records and information. Psychotherapy records are securely maintained in the Counseling Service therapy rooms, which are also locked. Access to psychotherapy records is limited to the therapists and psychiatrist who are members of the Counseling Services team.